Construct Innovate is Ireland’s construction technology centre. It’s vision is to make Ireland a global leader for sustainable construction and built environment technology.
The centre is a partnership between Trinity College Dublin, University College Dublin, University College Cork, the Irish Green Building Council and our host institution, University of Galway.
In 2024, the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage (DHLGH) in cooperation with the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment (DETE) secured and awarded €5M to Construct Innovate’s innovative research to support affordable, better quality, safer and more sustainable housing. The Galway Sound Lab was part of a consortium that was awarded funding through this scheme.
With our expertise in acoustics and sound, we will be working on creation of standardised design details for modern methods of construction (MMC) builds open access to test data (structure, fire, energy and sound), in a project led by University College Dublin.
More information on this and other projects is available here: